My student teaching adventures in sunny St. Lucia!

Map of St. Lucia

Map of St. Lucia
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Monday, November 19, 2007

Weekends are Fun

Another major Friday Night hot spot on the island is Anse La Raye and their Friday Night Fish Fry. So of course I had to try it! We made our way down there, despite the rain, and had a great time. Everything on the menu looked delicious and the spread included salt fish, shrimp, mahi mahi, tilapia, lobster and crab. With so many options, I had the waitress decide for me and she came back with a heaping plate of excellent shrimp. I also tried some of Nadia’s salt fish, but made sure to pick a piece far away from the (still intact!) eyeball that I felt was staring right at me. I usually don’t like when other people watch me eat . . . much less the food that I’m eating!

On Saturday, I just spent the day hanging out around the house and enjoying the weekend activities of the family. My host mom made this awesome plum jam that I couldn’t help but snack on all day. I will definitely have to bring some of her jams home since they’re so much better than Smuckers. That night, we took a trip back to the cinema to see “Fred Clause” (cute movie if you haven’t seen it yet) and then since it was a beautiful, clear night, we found ourselves on the boat once again. Seriously, it’s going to be hard to leave this place. Despite the seventeen miles of sea between St. Lucia and Martinique, we could actually see the streams of headlights from the traffic on the neighboring island.

Since over eighty percent of the population is Catholic, I have found myself right at home on Sundays when I attend the exciting church services. This Sunday, though, I participated in the 25th Annual Christian Youth Rally and returned from the fun day absolutely exhausted. From 9am until 6pm, we were dancing, singing and worshipping God with more energy than I have ever seen in a single auditorium. There had to have been almost a thousand “young people” from parishes all over the island who joined together on this day to share in praising the Lord.


Anonymous said...

Hey there, Beth! I have read all of your blog entries, and each one is even more exciting than the last. Karaoke sessions with Jannique? Sounds like a party to me! ;) Climbing Gros Piton sounds amazing, and I bet it was even more exhilarating than you already made it sound in your blog. Hopefully you heard about Jon and Gretchen finally having their baby girl, Samantha Gretchen (just thought I would throw that in while I'm at it). I can't wait to see you when you come home and to hear all of your stories! I love you.
Love, Emma.

Anonymous said...

taplipa is a filipino fish hahaha and its a good fish but i really don't eat much fish but that and ur blogs are excting as the next. im glad that u had so much fun but while u were so far away from ur loved ones.
monica aka m