My student teaching adventures in sunny St. Lucia!

Map of St. Lucia

Map of St. Lucia
courtesey of

Monday, September 24, 2007

Cultural Development Objectives

1. I want to student teach in St. Lucia in order to expand and challenge my skills as an instructor.

2. I am looking for an entirely different experience than any teaching placement I would be given here in Wisconsin or any where in the States.

3. I feel immersion in a new culture is the best way to learn about a different society and the way they operate as a community.

4. I want to gain a much greater sense of independence and break free from my comfort zone.

5. I want to gain a greater appreciation for the things I have at home while also learning how to simplify my life and live with fewer material possessions.

6. I hope to learn from my students as much as they learn from me.

7. I want to go to St. Lucia now because I may never be given such a wonderful opportunity again!